Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year!!

I'm betting everybody thought I fell off the face of the earth. I have been so busy between the family, school, and work it's been unbelieveable. Then when I think things will slow down a little the holidays shot past and I am just getting through those.

I was looking back at my page and realized that I haven't posted since August - that's right August. OMG I didn't realize it had been that long, but I know that there was a lot going on in my life. Lots of it was way too painful to write about at that time.

Terry and I had some problems and we've been working through all of that - we still have our moments, but for a while I seriously thought it was going to be divorce court for us.

School didn't go as well as I would've liked this past semester. And I received a crappy form letter from my school that says that since I've got so many credits that I won't be receiving financial aid anymore. I guess I will be taking this semester off and reattempting in the fall - work says that they reimburse tuition and maybe they will work something out with me. My teacher says "apply for a scholarship!!"

The boys are doing ok - Logan moved out of my house and in with his father in Fort. It about broke my heart, especially when he decided he didn't have to come over for Christmas either. I'm know that things will get better. I remember being a rowdy teenager and not wanting to follow the rules either. I just want what's best for my boys and for them not to get hurt.

I'm just so glad that 2007 is over with and that 2008 is not ALLOWED to be worse than last year. We need to look forward, not backward - or at least if we must look back then we need to learn from our mistakes and not make them again. We all know that if we don't learn from the past then we are condemned to repeat it!!