Saturday, May 12, 2007

One of those days

Ever have one of those days where nothing seems to go quite right. Well I've been having quite a few of those and then something on the edge of my desk, under that stack of stuff people keep piling on, I found a book my mom gave me for graduation - it is one of those "don't ever give up your dreams ones". well anyways I flipped it open and came across this great little poem/saying. I hope you feel better - I know I did:

Don't ever give up your dreams
I know you're going to make it...
It may take time and hard work
You may become frustrated and at times you'll feel like giving up
Sometimes you may even wonder if it's really worth it
But I have confidence in you and I know you'll make it if you try.
I read this a few times and decided that this is something that my grams would say to me, and my mom used to say in her own way.
Just trying to get through it all - my night schooling is wrapping up and I should be studying for the final test on Monday, my job sucks and I'd rather be doing what I love (taking care of kids), and my family life has been kinda sucky - but I know eventually it'll get better. It's just that I have to be strong enough to get through it and I know I am!!

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