Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Taggeroni, Taggalicious, and Taggafantabulous!

I got tagged by my friend Patti so here are the answers to her questions...

What was I doing 10 years ago? Celebrating my youngest son's 1st b-day, taking care of same son while he was "sick" with the chicken pox (the other 2 boys had it in May). Getting ready to start a new job at a cheese company.

Five snacks I enjoy: fresh strawberries or raspberries, cheese and crackers, cheetos twists, ice cream, homemade choc chip cookies

Five things on my to-do list today: Celebrate Jacob's 11th b-day, plan Jacob's party for Saturday, go to work, not go ballistic on hubby for lying, take a shower

Things I would do if I were a billionaire: pay off my debt, build my dream house, help my grams pay off her debt, give some to charity and cancer research, go on a long vacation, set my boys up with a trust of some kind.

Five jobs I've had: mom, shirt presser, cashier, certified nursing assistant, machine operator

Five bad habits: cracking my knuckles, correcting someone when they're speaking, picking out spelling errors, sitting too long at the computer, putting up with my hubby when I know he's lying.

Five places I've lived: Jefferson, WI; Fort Atkinson, WI; North Freedom, WI; Lake Mills, WI; San Antonio, TX (my fave!!)

5 random things: My 3 sons are my world, my Grams is my hero, I'd like to lose 40 lbs, I want to move away from here, I hate liars and cheaters

Who I want to tag and torture: sorry I don't know anybody else on this site besides my tagger and her friends who have already been tagged

1 comment:

Chatterness said...

Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Where have ya been?